Wednesday, August 7, 2013

And Pictures of the Bridge

And since I was there, I figured, I might as well take a few pictures of the Mackinac Bridge.
 Of all the times I've been there, I never noticed this plaque before.  It mentions the govenor at the time and the folks who oversaw the Bridge Authority.  It is pretty cool.
 Since I was more interested in taking pictures of the lighthouse, I just took my little lens with me.  But I kind of like because it gives the exagerrated view of the Bridge.  Plus the light was just about right.
 There were a few people setting up tripods.
 But with some patience, I got some pictures without people.
 And I just wandered around the park.
 The sky looked pretty cool.  I'd imagine it would have been cooler to be on one of the ferries.
 One of my favorite vantage points in the park.

 The reds and pinks were pretty cool.

So there you have it.

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