Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Michigan Exposures Top Ten Boats

If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know that I love ships (or boats).  Some people may say I love them too much at the expense of other things and I tend to agree with them.  At any rate, after some careful thought, I've decided to list my 10 favorites (and a couple that could make the list).
 Starting at Number 10 is the Paul R. Tregurtha.  I figure that I have to put the current Queen of the Lakes somewhere in this list but there are ships that I like more, so I'll put her at 10.
 Number 9 is kind of a surprise candidate in the Algorail.  She is a pretty neat looking boat and there are some funny stories that surround her.
 I'm not a fan of the rear pilothouse ships but I do like the Kaministiqua.  For as long as I've watched her, she's had the appearance of a tramp freighter.  Some don't like the look but I do because it gives her character.
 At number 7 is the Michipicoten.  She's a nice looking ship and has a pretty cool name.
 At number 6, we have the first 1000 footer of the Great Lakes and also the only 1000 footer that has the classic laker configuration.  This of course is the Stewart J. Cort.
 Number 5 is the classic freighter Algosteel.  I just love her looks.
 At number 4 is the ship that was built in my home town, the Ojibway.
 Number 3 brings us the war veteran, the Lee A. Tregurtha.
 At number 2, we have the ship that stayed behind....the Arthur M. Anderson.
 And was anyone surprised what ship would be number 1?
 I'll give an honorable mention to the Gott.  It was tough choosing between her and the Tregurtha because I like this style of 1000 footer more but the Tregurtha won out on points.
Another honorable mention has to go out to the oldest freighter on the lakes, the St. Mary's Challenger.  She would rank higher but I've only seen her in person once.

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