Monday, August 19, 2013

The Arthur M. Anderson Makes an Apperance

I was hoping that I would see some freighters while I was on the cruise.  Since it was supposed to be three hours long, I figured there was a good chance of that.  One ship that I didn't expect to see was the Arthur M. Anderson.  I saw that she was headed upbound before I left home.  I was hoping that I would catch her as I arrived downtown but she decided to stop for fuel at Mistersky.
 That was fortunate for me because it delayed her long enough for me to catch her from the boat.  There is something to be said for catching ships in thier medium.  Sadly, we didn't didn't get too close to her.
 But that's okay, I think the pictures are nice enough and she was a ship I was happy to see because as I said in the last post, she's my second favorite ship out there.  She's a beautiful looking boat.
 Factor in that she has her place in Great Lakes Lore cemented because she was the ship that stuck around for the Edmund Fitzgerald.
 And she slowly heads upbound.  I think she was headed to Stoneport, which is near Alpena.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 A shot against some of the buildings in Detroit.
 And downtown Detroit.
 And against the Ren Cen.
And one more.

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