Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Arthur M. Anderson Passes Detroit

So the ship in question was the Arthur M. Anderson.  She's another one I will try to catch often because of her place in Great Lakes Lore.
 Plus she's a beautiful boat to boot.  Here she is in front of Belle Isle.
 Another shot of that.
 Here she is in front of the MacArthur Bridge.
 She gets closer.
 And closer.
 She's close enough for a shot of her pilothouse.
 The straight on shot that I like so much.
 But this is the shot that I wanted.  It is kind of nice to have a picture of a ship with Detroit as a backdrop.  Although this would probably be better in the morning.
 She slowly works her way down the River.  She was heading to Zug Island again, I think.
 The part of the Detroit skyline that I really like.
And a shot of her against the orange sky.

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