Monday, August 19, 2013

The Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge

After the boat ride, I went up to my mom's and she took me to the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge.  It's a place that we've been meaning to go to for a while but never really gone.  After being there, I would like to go back at some point.
 The Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1953 under the Migratory Bird Conservation Act.  It contains more the 9,500 acres of marsh, bottomland hardwood forest and grasslands.  It serves as a stop for some migratory birds.  I think the above is a heron or crane.
 A sparrow that was resting on a stump.
 Another crane.
 In June of this year, they opened an auto tour drive.  It is about 6.5 miles long and circles through the park.  If you look closely, you can see a raccoon.
 I'll have to say there are some pretty nice views.
 Some of the grassland.
 I think this is a heron.
 A fawn peeking over the brush.
 And doing more than peeking.
 Another heron, I think.
 Some of the marshland.  I kind of liked this picture because of the still water and the moon.
 A tree.
 Same tree from a different angle.
 An egret.
 A shot of the moon.
 Just an overall view of the area.  I may have to try hiking here someday.
 As you can see, it is quite expansive.
 Another shot with the moon.
 Another egret.
 And he takes off.
 But he didn't fly too far away.
 A different style of marshland.

 My mom liked the purples in this one.

 Another egret.
 A family of deer.
 I'm surprised they stuck around as long as they did.  But they were pretty far away.
And one more shot as we were leaving.  As you can see, the leaves are starting to change.

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