Thursday, September 26, 2013

An Evening at Gallup Park...Again...

Despite not thinking that I had enough time, I decided to head over to Gallup Park to take a few pictures.  Especially since it was a pretty nice night and we aren't going to too many more of those.
 The light was almost perfect but I knew I didn't have too long.
 I kind of liked how smoothe the water was.  Made for some nice reflections.
I really liked the way this boat was reflecting in the water.
 I kind of liked the way this picture turned out.
 I really like this one though.
 The fall colors are starting to make an appearance.  I think the golden light of the sunset really brings them out.
 Then I decided to try something a little different and got some foreground in the picture.
 And then I moved to get a different angle.
 I really like this shot.
 Looking up at the orange leaves of the tree.
 And then the goose made appearance.
 With what I assume is his family.
 With the sun setting, I tried to take a couple more pictures.
So we leave you with one more shot of the sun setting behind the trees.  I hope you enjoyed this.

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