Sunday, September 1, 2013

Eastern Michigan Vs. Howard University Football

This is my third season of taking pictures at Eastern Michigan from the sidelines and I was waiting for this moment for a while.  For my other pictures go here.  I think I'm gonna try to post my more artistic pictures here and leave the action shots for there.
 The Howard quarterback running with the ball.
 The Howard band.
 Another shot of the Howard quarterback.
 Bronson Hill with the ball.
 A shot of the endzone.
 The battle of the trenches.  Still one of my favorite football shots.
 The EMU band.
This is probably one of the things that people were going for, the Howard University band.
 The Howard drum majors.
 One of the Howard band members.
 Another shot of the Howard drum major.
 The drumline.
 The Howard drum major again.
 And one more.
 An eagle.
 The yardline marker.  I believe this tells them where to put the chains.
 A down marker.
 During the game, a helicopter flew over.
 The Eastern band in stands.
 During one of the Eastern extra points.
 Sunset on Rynearson Stadium.
 The stands were pretty full for an Eastern game.
 Another of Eastern's running backs during a run.
 That running back going towards the endzone.
 One of my favorite traditions during college games is the postgame handshake.
 The final score....Eastern won.
A shot of the field.

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