Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Return to the Heidelberg Project

My mom wanted to see the Heidelberg Project, so I took her over there.  Of course I had to take some pictures of it.  This time, I tried to look for different things.
 One of the things the artist has around town are these painted hoods.  I've seen them in other places.
 I kind of like the smiley faces on the sidewalk.
 Tried to get this hood from a different angle.
 The gift shop was open this time, so I decided to head in.  I kind of liked the way it looked from the inside.
 There are messages in a few places around the area.
 Since I didn't get a front shot of this car last time.
 I took some closer shots of the burned out house. 
 Different angles.
 For some reason, this picture made me think of the pictures of concentration camps where they show the piles of shoes.  Then you think of the people those shoes held.
 The shoes in the oven kind of brought it home, I think.
 Looking down the block.  It was a little busier on this day.
 I decided to take some closer shots.
 Another shot of bottles.
 This apparently is part of a living sundial.  The sun wasn't out though, so I couldn't see it.
 One of the other houses.
 I kind of liked the way these two houses were sitting together.
 Another view of the polka dot house.
 And the clock house.
 This was another picture that made it hit home for me.  To think this sidewalk probably led up to a house at one time.  Now it is just gra
 The porch of the clock house.
 Another angle of the clock house.
 An exhibhit making a statement about healthcare.
 Another angle.  I think it is supposed to be like a doctor's exam room.
 The statement about health care.
 The Hummer Planter.  I kind of like this piece.  Although I hate to think how much work it took to bury it.
 This was something I didn't notice before.
 I kind of liked the sculpture on the inside.
The corner where it all starts.

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