Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Baie St Paul

The next ship is another that I caught while on the boat tour.  She was coming downbound as we were on the tour.  This is a ship that I was hoping that we would catch, but I wasn't sure if it would happen.
 Another shot where I come close to hitting my picture trifecta.  I managed to get a plane in this shot.  If only I could get a train.
 The Baie St Paul has been on this blog before, so I'm not going to go into her history.  Not that she has history seeing how she has only been on the Lakes for a year.
 She is the first of the new Chinese builds for Canada Steamship Lines.
 It's amazing how rough she already looks even though she's only been in service for a year.  Some of the older ships look better.  I think.
 But I think she has a pretty neat looking pilothouse.
 A fairly clean background for her.
 One more shot from the boat.
 After getting off the boat, I saw that I had a chance to catch her from land.  The lighting was a little better for me, so I headed to the park to catch her.
 I was just about in the golden light time.
 She slowly works her way down the river.

And one more shot of her before moving on.

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