Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Stewart J. Cort Makes an Appearance

So I arrived in Sault Ste Marie and I was greeted by the sight of the Stewart J. Cort.  It seems like I see her every time I'm up at the Soo.  That is actually pretty cool because she is a ship that only goes from the ports around Duluth to the ports around Gary, so I don't get to see her that often in this area.
 I kind of like the way the clouds look and it was a pretty nice looking weekend.  Her 1000 feet shows off pretty well.
 A shot of her pilot house.
 She proudly wears the #1 as the first 1000 footer on the lakes.
 Here she is showing off her full 1000 feet.
 A shot of her deck house.
 Her stern.
 A closer shot of her pilothouse.
 When I was up at the Soo, I did one thing that I hadn't done before and that was to go up into the Tower of History.  It made for a pretty nice view, especially as the Presque Isle was leaving the Locks, so I got a shot of two 1000 footers.
 The Cort entering the Poe Lock.
 After the Tower of History, I decided to head up to Sherman Park to catch the Cort as she was leaving.  I think it was a pretty good for photographs.
 Getting a shot of a cleaner backgroun.
 She passes by the docks.
 A close up of her pilothouse.
And one more shot as she leaves.

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