Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Visit to the Yankee Air Museum

I went to the Yankee Air Museum today because they were going to do a tour of the former Willow Run Bomber Plant.  I had a little time to kill before the plant would be open, so I quickly wandered around the museum.
 This is a SPAD they are in the process of building.  I think they are going to have a World War I section in the museum at some point.  This almost looks like the one they had at Selfridge.
 A shot of the plane from the front.
 A sailplane.  I'm not sure what kind it is but it looks almost like the one that was used in Escape From New York.
 A B-24 Liberator cockpit.  From what they were saying today, if they manage to secure the plant, they will finally get their dream of having a B-24 that was built at the plant.  It didn't sound like it was going to be a flying one though.
 A closer shot of the control panel.  I could almost set this one up as my wallpaper.
 A shot from the front.  Sadly, kind of ruined by the fact there's not a plane behind it.
 An even closer shot of the cockpit.
 The cockpit of a KC-135 which is the tanker version of the Boeing 707.
 The cockpit of a UH-1 Huey Helicopter.
 Another angle of the cockpit.
 Looking from the front.
 A shot of the Huey itself.
 The cockpit of a F-84 Thunderstreak.
 Another angle of the cockpit.
 A model of a B-24.
 Another shot of the Huey.
And back where we started.

The museum is cool enough but the old museum used to be cooler.  I would imagine it is hard to replace stuff like this though.  If they end up getting their part of the factory, they will have a much larger facility and will be able to store their collection in one place.

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