Tuesday, October 29, 2013

An Evening at the Ann Arbor Airport

I decided to head over to the Ann Arbor Airport tonight.  I was going to head over to one of the Pittsfield parks but I heard aircraft flying overhead and well....
 I believe this is a Great Lakes Model 2T-1A-1/2.  It can be used as either a trainer or an aerobatic aircraft.  It is powered by 180 horsepower engine.
 Another angle of the biplane.
 And the biplane flying away.  Actually, it wasn't quite flying away as the pilot was doing touch and goes, so I would see it again.
 This plane landed as I was taking pictures of the other.  Thanks to an alert reader, I now know that is is a Pilatus PC-12.  It is manufactured by Pilatus Aircraft in Switzerland.  It is powered by a Pratt and Whitney Canada PT6 turboprop.
 The plane as it was taxiing.  It is actually a pretty neat looking aircraft.
 The biplane again.   After seeing this plane, I was actually pretty happy that I decided to go to the airport because biplanes are pretty cool.
 A Cessna 150.  As I've said before, general aviation is not my forte, so I can't specify the plans.
 I believe this one is a Piper Arrow.
 Another angle of the Piper Arrow.
 Some sort of stunt aircraft.
One more shot of the Great Lakes Biplane.

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