Thursday, October 24, 2013

An Evening With the Cort

I apologize in advance because most of these pictures are blurry or could use a little more exposing but I don't often get nighttime shots of boats, so they stay.
 One of the advantages of staying at the Ojibway in Sault Sainte Marie is that you are right next to the Locks and can walk over there.  Sadly, by the time the Cort was passing through, the part was closed for the night.
 Fortunately, I remembered there is another park on the other side of the Locks.  The only disadvantage is that there is a fence around it. So here's a shot of the Cort as she leaves the locks.  As you can see, it was raining while I was taking this picture.
 I may mess around with this shot a bit to see if I can bring the ship out more, but for now my streak of seeing the Cort stays alive.
A shot of her pilothouse.  She's the only thousand footer that has the classic laker look.  And for that, she gets a coolness rating in my books.

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