Wednesday, October 9, 2013

And Lillie Park

I decided to stop by Lillie Park on my way home from work tonight.  Every time I go there, I always go to the part that is right at the corner of Ellsworth and Platt.  I didn't realize there was a whole other park down Platt from there, so I decided to stop there tonight.
 I didn't have a ton of time, so my pictures are pretty brief as well.  There is a little more color here.  Lillie Park is owned by Pittsfield Township and is named after Robert A. Lillie who was the township supervisor instrumental in getting this park.
 The first land was purchased in 1983 and it was developed into a park starting in 1998.  The last piece was purchased in 2007 (this was an abandoned railroad right of way).  It is actually a pretty nice park.
 The trails seem like they may be handicapped friendly and are pretty well maintained.  The park is 148 Acres.
 There seemed to be a little more evidence of fall here.
 I kind of liked the hints of yellow in this picture.
 In the middle of the park is a nice little pond.  I would imagine in the summer there are actually cattails here.
 Another shot of the pond.
 I kind of like this view.
 There is a nice boardwalk that cuts through the middle of the pond and there were a few ducks swimming around.
 One of the thistles.
 Another trail.
 More evidence of fall.  This is the most color I've seen in a while.
As I got back to my car, I was greeted by this spider.  He almost blended in pretty well.

I will definately have to head back to the park when I have more time.

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