Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Point Iroquois Lighthouse

One of the landmarks on the way between Paradise and Sault Saint Marie is the Point Iroquois Lighthouse.  It's been on this blog several times in the past, so I'm not going to go into its history here.  However if you're interested, you can go here.
 The light is currently maintained by the National Park Service, but I heard a rumor that it may have been sold to a private group.  I may however be confusing that with another lighthouse.
 Like I said, it is a beautiful lighthouse and in a fairly secluded place.  The fact that bored lighthouse keepers built the fence around it is a testament that that.
 This time, I decided to wander down a different direction of the path and I think I was rewarded with a nice shot.
 A very nice fall scene.
 From another angle.
 A little more obscured by the trees.
And one more shot before I headed back to the car and continued on to the Soo.

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