Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Random Randomness

I was up at our Troy office yesterday to do a storm water inspection.  Part of that entails me wandering around the grounds and we have some pretty nice grounds.  I also try to take pictures of some of the items highlighted in my report, so I tend to have my camera
 I think this was a spider web but I'm not entirely sure about that.  I thought it looked pretty cool with the little droplets of dew on it.
 I also saw quite a few mushrooms.  I really liked the look of this one.
 There were still some flowers floating around.
 I kind of like this one even though it is about dead.
 I really liked the look of this leaf with the dew on it.
 A group of those flowers.
 The bottom of the mushroom.
 I kind of liked the contrast between the top and bottom of the mushrooms.
Just an almost nice fall scene.

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