Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rise and Shine With the Walter J. McCarthy Jr.

Another ship that I was tracking was the Walter McCarthy.  I was pretty sure she would make an appearance but I wasn't sure how early it would be.  But I was sort of laying in bed, I saw that the McCarthy was leaving the locks.
 First I stopped at Brady Park to catch a couple of shots of her leaving the Locks.  As you can see, it is still pretty dark.
 You can see the Ojibway supplying her.
 Then I headed over to the other park to catch pictures of her there.  As you can see, the sun was starting to peek its way over the Horizon but I was still shooting at a fairly high film speed.
 Getting a little lighter for my profile shot.
 Next I headed over to Mission Point.  Caught a picture of the ferry.
 And then she started to make her appearance.  I kind of like this shot because I'm not usually up this early for ship shots.
 I love the reflection of her lights on the water.
 Another shot as she rounds the bend.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 She makes her way down the River.
 After breakfast, I decided to head to Detour before heading home.  I was hoping to catch her there and I did.
 A shot of her full 1000 feet.
 She works her way away.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 She moves into Lake Huron.
 An almost clean shot of her.
 One of the reasons why I like boatwatching.  Some of the places to shoot from are pretty.
One more shot before moving on.

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