Monday, October 28, 2013

The Fallasburg Bridge in the Fall

Then I decided to head over to the Fallasburg Bridge.  I was actually hoping to catch some fall colors around her.  I was actually kind of hopeful as I was taking the road that leads from I-96 to the Bridge as there were some pretty nice colors there.
 Those hopes were quickly dashed as I reached the bridge.  There were a few colors left but they had mostly blown off.  The water was smooth enough to give me some good reflection shots though.
 So I ended up walking to and over the bridge to get some different shots.  Well they aren't much different from the shots I got last time except that there is a little more color in them.
 Crossing the bridge.  I still like the 5 dollar fine.  I wonder what it would be if you actually adjusted it for inflation.
 A little color.  As much as I prefer the view from this side, I'm not really sure if people are meant to go over here as the ledge is a little on the narrow side.
 Heading back to the car and getting other angles.  As you can see, it was a beautiful day.
 The more typical covered bridge angle.
 Trying from different spots in the park.
 I like this shot well enough but...
 I switched over to manual mode in order to get a less washed out look for the backdrop.  I think I like this shot better.
 I really like this shot.  The reflection in the water is just about perfect.  I may want to crop it a little bit to get rid of the distracting grill to the side.
 As you can see, not much in the way of leaves left.
One more shot before heading home.

It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I think I got some nice shots.

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