Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Herbert C. Jackson on a Rainy Day

On Sunday, I decided to head up to Port Huron because there were a couple of ships that I wanted to possibly catch.  The weather was kind of rainy and I think that always makes for nice boat pictures.
 The first of those ships was the Herbert C. Jackson.  She's been on this blog quite a few times in the past, so I'm not going to go into too many details.
 She is definately a boat that I like. 
 And I'll have to say that she doesn't look too bad considering that she hit a bridge.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 The straight out shot that I like so much.
 A shot of her stack.
 And one more shot before moving on.
 Then I decided that I wanted some shots of her against the Blue Water Bridge, so I headed up that way.  Here she is as she rounds one of the bends.
 The Casino on the left is in Sarnia and evidently you can visit it by boat.
 A fuller shot of the Jackson.
 She slowly makes her way up the River.
 And starts to present me with....
 ...a head shot.
 One more turn before heading out of the river.
 And then a shot of her against the Bridge.
 Tightened up to make her look huge.
 Maybe a little too tight.
 Pulled back a bit.
 Another shot of her stack.
 And a shot of her stern.
 She heads out.
Then I decided to head over to the lighthouse and I liked the way she looked against the hazy sky.

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