Saturday, November 30, 2013

Eastern Michigan Vs. Central Michigan Football

So yesterday I was up in Mount Pleasant to catch the Eagles playing the Chippewas.  It was the final game of what became to be a brutal season.  After a tough start, a player getting killed and a coach getting fired, it's amazing that Eastern had any fire left at all but they did.
 It is always interesting travelling into enemy territory so to speak.  Central definately has a much nicer stadium compared to Rynearson.
 A view from the press box as I tried to get a little warm before the game.
 It would have been nice to photograph from up here but I don't think the pictures would look good.
 So it was back to the field to try to catch some shots of the players as they were practicing.
 A pre-game huddle.
 Julius Shelby catching a ball during the practice session.
 Ryan Brumfield catching the ball one-handed.
 The respective lines practicing.  It was actually kind of neat watching them practice, especially the defense.  The defense players would move around like cats seeking their prey.
 Looking up towards the press box.  I think Central also has a few sky boxes.
 One of the drum majors as the band starts to head down to the field.
 Some of the drummers.
 Watching the Central football players as they take the field.  For some reason, it reminded me of monsters leaving the gates of Hell.
 Central Michigan's touchdown cannon.  I think every school in the MAC now has one.  Makes me long for the days of Eastern's victory bell.
 The Central band during the Star Spangled Banner.
 The Eastern players take the field.  One of them is holding the Michigan MAC trophy.  If Eastern would have beaten Central, they could have kept it another year.
 Another group of players taking the field.
 Quan Pace spies the Central players.
 Cooper Rush sets up a pass.
 Cooper Rush taking the snap.
 Bronson Hill during one of his runs.  He actually looked pretty good yesterday.  He would have scored at least one touchdown if he had not slipped during a run towards the endzone.  It didn't seem like any of the breaks went Eastern's way yesterday.
 Tyreese Russell running with the ball after a catch.
 Titus Davis during either a kickoff or punt return.  I think it was a punt return given how Eastern's game was going.
 Zurlon Tipton leaps to daylight after a missed tackle.
 Tipton getting mugged during the touchdown celebration.
 Another shot of the celebration.
 Brogan Roback setting up a running play.
 Bronson Hill looking for daylight.
 Just after the snap.
 Brogan Roback scrambling during a passing play.
 Cole Gardner catching what would be Eastern's only touchdown.
 Gardner getting congratulated by his teammates after the catch.  And I'll have to say that it was a pretty impressive catch.
 Jerry Harris getting pushed out of bounds after a catch.
 Tipton during another run.  He pretty much ran roughshod over the Eagles yesterday.
 Tipton celebrating one of his touchdowns.
 Dustin Creel after making a catch.
 Tipton takes the toss from Rush.
 Titus Davis leaping over the Eastern defenders.  I don't remember if he made it all the way to the endzone though.
 Mike Steals celebrating an interception.
 Ryan Brumfield looking for daylight.
 Ryan Brumfield during another run.
Just a shot of the stadium during what amounted to junk time.

While the final score was 42-10, that didn't tell the whole story.  Eastern looked the best they've looked all season.  They had over 300 total yards of offense.  Brumfield and Hill were cruising on all  cylinders.  Turnovers really hurt Eastern yesterday.  One of them was in the red zone and on a drive they were almost certain to score on.  The other was an ill advised pass but they were moving the ball pretty well on that drive.  You take those two away and the score would have been 28-24 or there abouts.  If a couple of the bad breaks had gone Eastern's way, who knows, they might still have retained the Michigan MAC Trophy.

I think with the right coach, Eastern will be relevant in the MAC in the near future.

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