Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Little Time at Matthei Botanical Gardens

I didn't really feel like doing much today but I wanted to have something for a post, so I decided to head over to the Botanical Gardens.  It has been a while since I've been there, so it was kind of cool.
 I'm not going to attempt to name the flowers in this post.  So just come along for the ride.  I guess it's pretty nice to have a conservatory so close because on dreary days, it is a nice place to catch flowers.
 Although today was not all that dreary but still.  It was kind of nice to do something fairly close for a change.
 I do like it when I catch a flower with waterdrops on it.
 Another kind of cool looking flower.
 They don't have a huge selection of bonsai trees but it is still cool to see something so little.  It's hard to believe that this is over 40 years old.
 I don't remember how old this one is.
 This tree is as old as I am.
 One thing I like about conservatories is how they do Christmas.  I'll have to say this is a pretty neat looking tree of poinsettias.
 I kind of like this flower.
 They have a really good desert section.
 One of the cacti.
 A Christmas tree.  I think they were using these to demonstrate green ways to decorate a tree.
 Another type of cactus.
I guess this would represent the stereotypical cactus.
 I really like this one.  I like the spirals on it.
 I'm not sure what kind of plant this is.
 They have a small koi pond.
 Except the Koi aren't terribly cooperative.
 For this picture, I set the camera on manual and underexposed it a bit to give you an idea of how it looked there.
One more set of flowers.

I won't spend as much time away this time as I went and got myself a membership.

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