Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Rainy Day in Ann Arbor

I had plans to do something exciting yesterday.  Well at least exciting for me but sadly the weather decided not to cooperate as it rained pretty much all day.  That gave me the opportunity to check out some of the museums in Ann Arbor.
 This picture pretty much sums up the day.  I wanted to try to get the rain drop on the windshield but I was hoping that the rest would be in focus.
 The first place I went to was the Museum of Natural History.  I didn't hae the right angle for that, so I decided to take a picture of its sister building across the street.
 Looking up South University.  I kind of liked the look of the lights.
 With holiday break, it was pretty much empty today.  Made for a good opportunity to take a picture of Angell Hall.
 Decided to go for another angle.
 A shot of the Michigan Union as I went over to the Museum of Art.
 A shot from across the street.
 Looking at the Union from the Art Museum's entrance.
One more shot of the Michigan Union.

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