Saturday, December 28, 2013

Marine City United Methodist Church

While it's not a particularly neat looking church, there are some pretty cool looking stained glass windows.  My mom was saying that they might close it, so I figured it would be a good idea to get pictures of it before it is no more.
 Looking at the church from the front.  Like I said, it's not particularly impressive.
 But the windows are.
 I guess this church was built by donated funds from mariners, so there is definately a nautical them going on.
 I really like this one.
 I kind of like this one.
 So then I figured I would see if the church was open because it would be a perfect day for getting pictures of the windows form the inside.  I kind of liked this one.
 I wish these two were in better focus though.
And this one is really cool.  I believe this is depicting Jesus walking on water.

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