Friday, December 20, 2013

Stuff Around the Building

I took my camera into work for other reasons but I do like some of the plants we have around the building.  Since today was a wet day, it made for some nice picture opportunities on some of those.
 I really liked the way the droplets of water were forming on the cherry maples.  As I looked at the pictures, I noticed something about them.  And I show that a little later.
 If you look closely at the droplets, you can see our picture refracted through the water.
 Another angle.
  Trying to get the more macro view.
 One of the birch trees in front of our building.
 We have a trail of sorts behind the building and there are a few milkweed plants.
 I really like the way the droplets are formed on this one.
 One of the thistles.
 And one of our pine trees.
More of a closeup of the droplets.  As I said, you can see the building in them.

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