Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Algoma Olympic

My last ship of the day was the Algoma Olympic.  I saw her on the St. Clair River but I really wasn't in the position to get a picture of her there.  Since she was heading downbound, I had a chance to catch her at Belle Isle.
 She is being chased by the Cuyahoga (so I guess technically the Cuyahoga would be the last ship I'd see, but I already posted those pictures).
 She's actually a pretty nice looking ship for a rear-decker. 
 She was built in Canada.
 I really like her lines.
 A full on shot of her.
 A shot of her bow.
 I loved the way her pilothouse was looking in the golden hour.
 A shot of her boom and pilothouse.
One more shot of her before turning to the Cuyahoga.

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