Friday, January 3, 2014

Next Up...the American Century

So the ship that I saw on Marine Traffic coming down was the American Century.  I wasn't planning on sticking around to take her picture but I figured that since I was down there, I might as well.
 She is heading down to Toledo, where she will be laying up for the winter.  Based on how the shipping season has gone this year, it is a well earned layup.  It seemed like the ice stuck around later at the beginning of the season and formed earlier at the end of the season.  These are hard working crews in the time that they work.
 The American Century passes the Algosteel.  At a little over 1000 feet, she dwarfs the Algosteel.
 She was moving along at around 8 knots.
 I do like her looks but I don't think they compare to the classic lakers.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 A fuller shot of her.
 You can see that she has a bit of ice on her bow.
 The almost straight out shot.
 She slowly passes the Windsor casino.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 She slowly makes her way down the river.  AGain, I was shooting into the sun for this one but I kind of like the shot.
 Another shot of Windsor in the background.
 She slowly works her way to the Ambassador Bridge.
 A shot with the Bridge in the background.
One more before moving on.

With the early onset of ice, I have a feeling this may be my last ship post until the season starts up again.

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