Monday, January 27, 2014

Slip Sliding Away

Here we are in day somethig of winter.  I realize that this is probably more like a normal winter than what we've been experiencing recently but still, I've had enough.
 I kind of liked the way the snow was hitting the birch trees in front of the office, so I had to take pictures.
 While I like the overall shots, I think I like the closeup shots better.  At least the closeup shots kind of look like they weren't taken in front of an office.
 Another angle of the trunk.
 A shot of the grass in front of the building.  I kind of liked the way it set off against the snow.
 Looking down the row of trees.
 This was about as close as I could get to the cherry maples.  We still have a few inches of snow in front of the building.
 Speaking of which...the drifts looked pretty cool.
And the reason for the title of my post.  The roads were still a little bit slick today.  This picture was taken while I was waiting for the traffic to move again.

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