Monday, January 6, 2014

Snowed In Part II

Well the sun came out for a little bit, so I figured I would try to get pictures of the icicles in a little better light.  It is pretty cold outside though, so as much as I would like wander around, I think I will just stay inside where it is nice and warm.
 I kind of like the way the light shines through these, I just wish I could get a better angle of them.
 Just a look at our parking lot.
 Some of the patterns in the snow.  It would be kind of neat to get more of these but again, I think I'll stay warm.
 Another set of icicles.
 As I was getting the door, I looked to the side and I saw this.  I kind of liked the way it looked.
 Some of the icicles on the building across from me.
 Remember, if you must go outside.  Dress warmly.
 As I was taking a picture of him, I decided to do a little closeup work.  I kind of like it.
 So I wanted to see how well I could do with other things.  It just happened I still have a Bicentennial Quarter.
 But still remember, winter can be dangerous.
 I think Zappa has the right idea though.
So I will say later.

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