Monday, January 20, 2014

Warming at the Botanical Gardens

After catching a Wolverine, I headed over to Matthei Botanical Gardens to catch some flowers.  Non-moving things are a little easier to catch.  Except when you are talking about the kind of depth of field associated with close-up photography.  As I have said in the past, I'm not a botanist, so I'm not about to identify these.
 I think this first one is an orchid.
 These flowers are called purple heart flowers.
 I have no idea what this plant is called but I do like its looks.
 I really like this one.

 Of all the times I've gone there, I did not realize they had a banana tree.
 I really like this flower.
 This is called a mosaic plant.  It kind of reminds me of a mosaic.
 I decided to get a little closer because I think these are pretty cool looking plants.
 So then I got even closer.  I kind of wish I had a better macro lens so that I can get closer yet but oh well. 
 This picture was shot through a kalaidescope.
 So now we are back to flowers I don't know.
 I liked the looks of this one but I had to lay down in order to get the right angle.

 A bonsai tree.  I think this one was started in the 80's.

 I kind of like the Koi pond they have but the low shutter speeds make it difficult.
 A closeup of a cactus.

 I really liked this flower.
 A closeup of another type of cactus.  There were some other shots I liked but I didn't want to get sued by Disney.
 I believe this is a type of plant called a Hiawortha but that's all I know about it.
 This is a type of palm tree.
Looking through part of their desert plants.  It was really nice to spend some time in a warm place yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Picture number three is some form of Bromeliad. Notable bormeliads include pineapple and Spanish moss.
