Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Another Cold Day in Washtenaw County

I step out of the apartment building and I was not quite ready for the temperature.  It didn't dawn on me just how cold it was until I looked the thermometer in the car and it read -9 F.  For those of you in the rest of the world, that is -22 C.  Honestly, at that point it doesn't really matter because it is cold.  However, cold weather does make for some nice pictures.
 As I was crossing the bridge over the Huron River, I looked over and saw that there was a nice mist hanging over the River.  That of course meant that I had to stop and take a couple pictures.  I just couldn't pass up on the mist hanging in front of the plant.  Sadly, the sun was a little fogged over or this would have been a really cool shot, I think.
 I tried to get some different shots near the paper plant.  I wanted to show some of the trees with the nice layer of frost on them.
 So then I went back to my pretty much standard shot.
 And one more to get some of the trees in with the plant.  I think I really like this shot.
 After I settled in at work, I had to get some pictures of the trees around the building.  I thought the trees behind the building looked really cool.
 I just liked the way the frost was on them.
 I liked the contrast of the white top to the darker bottom.
 The half frosted tree.
 One more shot of that group of trees.
 Then I went up to the front of the building.  I liked the way the white branches stood out against the blue sky.
 But of course, I had to get pictures of my cherry maples.
 I had my bigger lens this time, so I was able to get some other spots on the trees.  I was trying to get the berries against the sky.
 The frost was coming down as I was taking the pictures.  But still I like the colors in this picture.

And then I looked across State Street and I liked this particular scene.

Even though the cold weather makes for some nice pictures, I can't wait for it to warm up.

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