Friday, February 28, 2014

Another Cold Morning in Ypsilanti

So it was another morning where the temperature was below 0 Fahrenheit again.  I'm not sure how many this has been this winter but it is one too many.  After it was fairly warm last weekend, I was hoping that we saw the last of the below 0 days.  Of course the nice thing about a temperature like that is when it gets to the upper teens or low 20's, it feels like a heat wave.  Well enough bitching about the weather.
 Another nice thing about being this cold is that it makes for nice pictures of the water.  I love it when the mist is hanging above the dam.  I really love it when the sun is shining just right.
 I was able to get to the spot where I could get a slightly different angle.  I like the lines in this picture.
 Looking up the river.  Well as well as I could.  I liked the way the frost was formed on the trees.  It's almost as cool as when we had the fog a couple weeks ago.
 I kind of liked the way this plant looked.
 So I tried a different angle.
 Trying to get some of the mist against the building.
 Without the trees.
And one more shot.

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