Saturday, February 1, 2014

Another Crappy Weather Day....

....or why Michigan Exposures did not go to "Shiver on the River".  I was planning on going to "Shiver on the River" on Belle Isle.  It is where they have the Belle Isle Aquarium open and I think they were going to unveil their new electric eel today.  But before I did that, I took one of my mom's drawings for the Ann Arbor Women's Art show and as I was heading over there, my car was not having a good time.  I think it got just warm enough yesterday that there was a slight layer of ice under the snow and that made things really interesting.  Interesting enough that I didn't feel like driving over to Detroit.  I just hope this clears up because I want to head over to the west side of the state on Monday.  It just wouldn't be this blog without pictures, so here are some pictures.
 Looking down Huron Street.  The plows may have given this a once over, but I don't think that helped all that much.
 I ended up getting some gas, so here is looking down some street from the corner of Cross and Prospect Streets.  I kind of liked the way the snow was covering the trees.
 A shot of Prospect Park.  I may have to revisit this place come spring.
One more shot of Huron Street as I was passing Cross Street.

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