Monday, February 17, 2014

Another Day, Another Set of Wolverine Pics

Lately it seems like when I want to go do something, the weather doesn't really want to cooperate.  When the weather doesn't want to cooperate, I will head down to Depot Town to take pictures of the Wolverine.  I do like taking pictures of the train, especially in the snow but I am getting a little tired of it.
 This time I tried from a spot across the street from Sidetrack.  Like I said, I wanted to try a different angle on the train.  This time I was in a spot where I could get a head on shot of the train.  Since the snow was pretty powdery, it kicked up pretty well.
 It was getting closer.  Besides from this spot, I got to look at the crossing gates and I can't see what the problem is.  They close on both sides of the tracks.
 It's amazing just how much snow gets kicked up by the train.

 I would like this view except for the wires above.
 I really like this one.
 But I think this one is my favorite.
And a shot of the depot right after the train passed.

I hear it is supposed to be fairly nice this coming weekend.  Maybe I'll be able to get wolverine pictures of a different sort.

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