Sunday, February 23, 2014

Another Sunday Afternoon...Another Set of Wolverine Pics

It seems like this is becoming a tradition for me or somethign like that.  I wasn't really in the mood to go wandering out today but then I had to do some shopping.  I saw that the Wolverine would be passing at about the time I was heading out, so off to Depot Town I went.
 As it was, I didn't have to wait too long for the passing of the Wolverine.  As I was about check my phone to see where it was in the scheme of things, I heard the whistle.
 The train whistle is one of my favorite sounds in the word.  Especially when it means I am going to ride on one.  Today wasn't a riding day.
 The sun was just about right for me.
 I love the train.
 The train is about to pass the Ypsilanti Depot.
 I hope that the rumors about the Ypsilanti Depot are true.
 Would love to see the train stopping here at some point.
But that wasn't today.

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