Monday, February 10, 2014

Grand Haven Lighthouse in the Snow

Yesterday found my camera and I in Grand Haven.  I was kind of hesitant to head over there because it looked like I might get caught by nasty weather.  I'm glad I didn't let that deter me because I think I got some nice pictures of the lighthouse.
 For all the complaining I've done about snow on my end of the state, it is nothing compared to the amount of snow they have on the western side of the state.  I think some of the snow banks were above my car.  Still it makes for nice pictures.
 That's not noise in my camera, it was snowing as I was taking these pictures.  Almost gives it a snow globe effect.
 Since I saw a bunch of other people out on the pier, I decided to venture out on the pier as well.  It wasn't that bad as long as I paid attention to where I was walking.  I did decide to avoid the icy spots though.
 A shot of the tower itself.
 And a shot of the range light portion of this lighthouse.
 I even ventured out past the tower.  If I was looking for isolated shots of the lighthouse without people in them, I was pretty much out of luck yesterday.
 Unless I went on the other side of the catwalk.  I don't mind the pictures from this side but the lighthouse itself is kind of obscured.
 This is as far as I went.  I wasn't feeling stupid enough to try and walk over this spot of ice.
 This was the extent of the ice cover and it wasn't all that much.  I was hoping for a little more ice on the towers.
 The channel marker had some.
 And then I started to walk back. 
 At least the person at the base of the tower isn't the focus of the picture.
 A shot of the tower from the front.  It looks like they are doing some work on it.
 Looking up at the tower.
 You can see the uneveness of the side that people aren't walking on.
 A shot of the lighthouse and the range light.
 A shot from the other side.
 One more.
 One thing about the west side of the state is that it gets pretty windy, which also means big waves.  Fortunately, I didn't have to worry about that too much yesterday.
 I did have to worry about slippery surface though.
 Just in case you didn't get the warning.
 One more shot of the tower.
 Just a shot so that you can see the number of people there.  It was almost like it was a balmy 80 or 90 out.  I was very surprised by the amount of people there.
 Then I wandered a little further to get a shot from the beach.
 Through my bigger lens.
 The range light from my bigger lens.
A shot of both from another spot on the beach.

With the exception of some snow on the way home, the drive out and back wasn't too bad.  I'm glad I went because I think I got some nice shots.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I was never expecting to see so many people as there are in those photographs! I guess with the popularity of the photographs in the media these days of the ice and the lighthouses everyone wants to see it for themselves!
