Monday, February 3, 2014

Return to the St. Joseph Lighthouse

I took today and tomorrow off and since it's been so cold in the past week or so, I thought I would head over to the St. Joseph Lighthouse to see if it was covered in ice.
 The pier was, but the main lighthouse wasn't.  At least the pier wasn't so slippery today, so I was able to walk a little further down.
 So I walked closer to the lighthouse today but as I looked at the part of the pier without the fence, I decided that I didn't want to get any closer.
 Just to get a different angle.  I kind of liked the way the shadow of the catwalk looked.
 There was an ice hill pretty close to the pier, so I decided to walk up it but not too much.
 I started to walk back to the car.
 I kind of like the shot that shows the length of the pier.
 The range part of the light did have some ice on it but I didn't want to wander too far on the beach.
One more shot before leaving.

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