Monday, March 17, 2014

A Few of the Mackinac Bridge

Another thing I can't pass on pictures of is the Mackinac Bridge.
 I was trying to get some night shots but my battery started to conk out on me.  I should have charged it after the Basketball Game but I was pretty tired at that point.
 I would have liked a couple longer exposures in order to get some of the stars behind the Bridge.
 I think part of the reason why the battery didn't seem charged was because it was pretty cold.  After warming up, I was able to get a few more pictures out of it.  Which was okay by me, since the light was just about right.  Sadly, I had just missed the Coast Guard cutter by a few minutes.
 There is a little streak of water where the cutter passed.
 Another angle.  Sadly, I didn't walk much further than this because the snow wasn't quite as hard as I would have liked.
 As a result, I didn't get many pictures of this lighthouse.
 But I think I got the shot that I like.
 So then I went over by the visitors center for the Fort to get one of my favorite angles of the Bridge.
 From the other orientation.
 As usual for this time of year, Mackinaw City was fairly dead.  There were a few snowmobilers here but things don't really start to pick up until summer.
 Consequently, not too many places were open.
I had to get one more shot with my other lens.

As I said, I will be back up this way in a week.  At that time, I will have more pictures.

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