Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's Back....

Actually it's still here.  Winter that is.  We had a brief reprieve where the temperatures got up into the 50's but that did not last too long.  So today winter returned with a vengeance.  I'm pretty sure we got at least a couple of inches and because of that, we've had the most snow here in a while.
 I decided to stop at the Peninsular Paper Plant building before soldiering on to work.  I love the way this looks with the snow blowing.
 And of course the long view of this.  I love the way some of those trees reflect in the river.
 Downtown Ypsi from a different vantage point.
 The light had just turned green but I wanted a picture of the sheet of ice that was Michigan Avenue.
 The trees behind our office.
 I kind of liked the way the snow was on the branches of this tree.
 I liked the look of this field of thistles.  Sadly, this was as close as I could get.
 I kind of liked the shadows on this one.
And then I had my favorite cherry maples.

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