Sunday, March 23, 2014

Not So Randomness Around Ypsilanti

After taking pictures of the Wolverine, I took some other pictures around Ypsilanti.
 A shot of the Water Tower from the corner of Huron and Cross Street.  One of these years, I'm going to have to visit the Fire Museum here.
 A shot of the depot while waiting for the train.  I seriously wish they would make this an active stop again.
 Then I decided to stop at Peninsular Park.  Thought I would try a different take on the sign.  Looks a little more abstract.
 Still kind of abstract.
 Then I had to go for the view from the river.
 With all the snow we've gotten, the River is quite flowing.  Not as smooth as last time.
 But it was nice to have the sun shining.
 You can kind of see a reflection of the building in this shot.
 And then I took a couple more pictures as I left.
One more shot of the falls of sorts.

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