Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rainy Day Wolverine

It was Trivia Night at the Corner Brewery tonight and I saw that the Wolverine would be passing before then.  So I decided to get some pictures.
 Things wouldn't be complete without a shot of the Depot.  It was a rainy night though, so the light wasn't quite as bright as I hoped.
 I couldn't pass up on a shot of the Freight House either.
 I'm not terribly sure about this shot of Depot Town though.  I don't really like the trees in the way.
 And then I heard the familiar horn of the train.  Quickly followed by the ringing of the crossing gates.  And then the sound of diesel engines.
 Diesel engines sound cool but not as cool as a steam engine.
 But with the exception of trains like the Pere Marquette, I can't imagine we'll ever hear a passenger train making those sounds.
 But it would be cool if they put on speakers, so that it could.
 And the Wolverine starts to pass by.
 Making the depot visible again.
And soon, the Wolverine is gone.

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