Saturday, March 22, 2014

Return to the Fallasburg Bridge

A friend of mine wanted to go out photographing today, so I decided to go with him.  We ended up heading over to the west side of the state and because of that I wanted to make a stop by the Fallasburg Bridge.  It has been a while since I was there and I was hoping there would still be some snow on the ground.
 Sure enough there was still quite a bit of snow on the ground near the bridge.  The river was also pretty smoothe, both of which made for a nice picture setting.
 The river was fairly smoothe and that made for some good reflection shots.  I kind of like this shot.
 But I think I like this one a little more.  Especially since I got the front of the bridge in the reflection.
 Just a reminder to not drive faster than a walk.  I seriously wonder if they've ever written this ticket.
 So I went over to the other side.  This is a little tougher to get pictures though.
 But I think some of them are a little nicer.
 The path doesn't give you much room for walking over on this side.  For some reason, I suspect this may be private land.
 I tried to get a shot of the other side but this is even less conducive than the other side.
 Looking down the inside of the bridge.
 Again with the fine.
 I would imagine this sign was put up because of the Whites Bridge fire.  It's a really sad state of affairs when you have to protect something like a historic bridge.  But then again, I guess there are people who don't appreciate things like this.
 However, I am not one of those people.  I'm going to have to make a point to head over in the fall because I think this would look really cool.
And I leave you with one more shot before heading on to Grand Rapids.

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