Thursday, March 27, 2014

Return to the Tahquamenon Falls

So my next stop was the Tahquamenon Falls because I didn't see any trains in Trout Lake.  Which is just as well since the light was starting to wane. 
 Despite that, I think I got there with just the right light.  The sun was lowering in the sky and it gave me the direct light and long shadows that people like.
 The Falls were still pretty much covered in ice though.  It does look like there is more Falls though.  With all the snow in the Upper Peninsula, I can't wait to see what they look like in May or early June.
 Even if I wanted to get to the Gorge, I couldn't have.
The Brink was open though.  It's not so bad going down, but you still have to come up.
 Looking down the River.
 And a shot of the Falls from the brink.
 I kind of liked the way the water was swirling around this.
 Some of the icicles.
 More of the water patterns.
 Another shot of that.
 I kind of liked the way the icicles looked in this.
 Another shot of the swirling water patterns.
 Since I wasn't seeing any ships at the Soo, I decided to head back to the Falls.  There were some shots on the first day that I wasn't happy with.
 I kind of like the framing in this one.
 This stump is probably about 2 to 3 feet tall.  So this gives you a good idea of just how much snow there is.
 Another shot of icicles.
 Another shot of the Falls.
 One more.  Like I said, I can't wait to see how they look come late May or early June.  I would imagine the snow melt will make for some spectacular Falls.
And I leave you with one more shot of the trail.

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