Sunday, March 9, 2014

Stupid Germs....

I had hoped to have a ton of updates today.  I was planning on going to the Eastern-Toledo yesterday and then I was thinking about actually heading up north after the game.  Barring that, I was going to wander around Toledo to see if I could get some pictures of ships in layup.

Well based on the lack of pictures today I didn't make it to Toledo.  I wasn't feeling very well yesterday, so I was hoping the day of rest would improve my health so I could go wandering today.  Well, I stopped and got gas.  That wasn't too bad and as I was driving, I started to still not feel well.  I did my shopping and went home.

Blah.  Well, on Saturday the Pere Marquette 1225 is going to make its run after getting some serious work done.  I am hoping to catch that at a couple of points on its journey.  And then I'm not sure.

Sorry for the lack of pictures this weekend.

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