Monday, March 17, 2014

Up at Tahquamenon Falls

I can't believe it has been October since I've been up to the Upper Peninsula.  Under normal circumstances of the past couple of years, it would have been a couple of times between then and now.  Well given the weather we've had this year and the fact that it seemed to hit on Friday or Saturday, I guess I can understand that.  Since I figured I was going to be around Clare, I decided to continue up north.  I wanted to get some pictures of the Falls with ice.
 Well, I was not disappointed.  I think there was about 2 feet worth of snow on the paths because I felt a little taller than normal.
 Just to give you an idea of just how much snow was still on the ground.
 The Falls themselves looked pretty cool with all the ice and snow but then again, they always look cool.
 It's hard to believe that the Falls would be this frozen over but then again, I think they were still in sub-zero weather last weekend.
 I was thinking about going down to the gorge of the Falls but the trail looked pretty iffy.
 Always good advice, especially when you consider how far down it is if you were to fall.
 Of course, you have some people that don't heed that advice.  More on that a little later.
 Of course I had to mess with the shutter speed a bit.
 I wasn't going to go down there, but I decided to head down to the brink of the Falls.  I think it gives some of the more impressive views.  I didn't bring my other lens though, so I was kind of limited in the shots I could take.
 From a slightly different angle.
 The lower part of the Tahquamenon River was frozen over.
 I know it seems like a pretty thick layer of ice but you still shouldn't tempt fate.  There is a pretty swift moving current underneath and that doesn't foster a solid ice pack.  I'm just glad I didn't get an action shot because about all I could have done was call 911 and tell them they'll need to fish out a body at some point.
 Of course, I could be an alarmist because the ice was pretty thick.
 But then again, shots like this should give some pause.
 I love the icicles coming down.
 Another shot that should give someone pause.
 Another overall shot of the Falls.
One more shot of the trail.

I will be back up this way in a week as the Soo Locks will be opening at 12:01 A.M. on March 25.  I will make it a point to get some different type shots.

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