Monday, April 28, 2014

A Newly Painted Captain Henry Jackman

Next up is the Captain Henry Jackman.  I was not expecting to see her but I saw her on AIS and decided to stick around to catch her.
 She slowly works her way towards the channel.  Gives a nice quarter view as she makes her turns.
 The spot I use is in front of the range lights.  This gives me a chance to see a pretty long headshot.
 One of the reasons I was glad to see her was because she was sporting a new paint job.
 It is nice to see a ship with a new paint job.  It looks so much better but admittedly paint does not put money into Algoma's coffers.
 A shot of her with the Blue Water Bridge as a backdrop.
 Her almost straight on shot.
 I think she was heading towards Quebec City.  Not sure what she was delivering.
 I just love the blue of the water in this shot.
 She slowly passes by.
And a stern shot.  I'm glad that shipping traffic is starting to reach a degree of normalcy.  I don't think it will be completely normal until more ice on Lake Superior melts though.

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