Monday, April 7, 2014

FestiFools 2014

Like I said in the last post, I headed down to Ann Arbor because I wanted to check out the FestiFools parade.  I've seen pictures from past ones and it looked interesting.  Apparently, the event I need to check out is the FoolsMoon Parade which would have been on Friday night.

FestiFools was started in 2007 by Mark Tucker who was an Art Professor at the University of Michigan.  He was also director for the Michigan Thanksgiving Parade.  He studied the art of carta mecha (papier mache) in Italy and he liked the idea of the parades they have there.  So he brought the idea back to Ann Arbor.  I think anyone is allowed to participate.
 One thing I learned this year, is that if I go next year, I'm going to have to get down there early.  I had to fight my way through the crowd to get this vantage point.  Some of the floats looked pretty cool.
 I'm almost thinking these guys were part of the Michigan Marching Band because they were pretty go
 Some of the floats were like puppets.  The people controlling them would have them interact with the crowd in places.
 Unfortunately, I could only get mostly side shots from where I was standing.  There was too much of a crowd in the way.
 Pac Man.
 Another sort of marching band.
 I kind of liked this one.
 Some sort of dinosaur.
 I kind of liked this one too.
 A person juggling.  Sadly, my shutter speed wasn't high enough but I kind of like the effect.

 Another pteryodactyl.
 I kind of liked this one too.
 A sort of moth thing.
 A better angle of that.
 This was kind of cool.  There were people controlling the pieces of the mouth too.
 A wedding cake.
 A tiger elephant or something like that.
 NOt sure what this was.  I think he was supposed to be a spitting cobra.
The first band again.  Like  I said, these guys were actually pretty good.

I think I will go next year again.  I will try to get a better place so that I can get better pictures.

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