Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Half a Million Visits

I was going to do a special post for this milestone but I couldn't really think of anything off hand, so I will just say it.  Sometime in the past week or so, I hit another milestone on my blog.  I received my 500,000th visit.  My 100,000th visit was in August of 2011.  200,000 came in April of 2012.  300,000 came in Deceber of 2012.  400,000 came last September and now I'm at 500,000 and seemingly going pretty strong.
Of course, a blog is nothing without its viewers, so I thank all you folks who have visited here in the past few years.  So what does the road ahead hold for this blog?  Well, next month I will finally be heading over to Duluth.  I can't wait for that trip although it looks like I wont be taking a major train trip this year.  In June, I will be heading up to the Soo Locks for Engineer's Day.  At some point in the near future, I would like to travel Grand River Boulevard and possibly Gratiot Avenue.  I'm sure there will be a few boat pictures thrown in.

If there is anything in particular you would like to see, please leave a comment for me.  Again it is still hard for me to believe that I've hit this milestone.  So again, thank you for coming here and please continue to come here.  Tell your friends and family.  Hell, tell your enemies...I really don't care.  But enjoy my blog.

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