Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wandering Around Altoona, PA

Before heading to the Horseshoe Curve from the Juniata Railyards, I wandered around Altoona briefly.  Altoona was found in 1849 by the Pennsylvania Railroad as a location for the Rail Yard.  It was incorporated as a borough in 1854 and approved as a city in 1867.  Currently its population hovers around 100,000 people.
 The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrement was established in 1851.
 I'm not sure what church this was though.
 Altoona's fortunes were tied pretty closely to the fortunes of the Pennsylvania Railroad.  It was the railroad that provided a fire department and hospital.  The Railroad also provided a cricket team and band.  As the railroad declined, so did the city.  Like so many post-industrial cities in the country, it is trying to find itself again.
 Although the decline doesn't seem to be anywhere near that of Detroit's.
 A Catholic School near the Cathedral.
 Looking up at the entrance of the Cathedral.
 A statue of a Saint.
 The entrance.
 So of course, I had to see if I could wander inside.  It was very impressive and pictures don't really do it justice.
 One of the stained glass windows.
 Looking up at the organ.
 A statue of Mary Elizabeth Seton who is one of the few American Saints.
Another former school.

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