Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wolf Lake Fishery

The most direct route from South Haven to Kalamazoo is to take M-43.  That takes you past the Wolf Lake Fishery.  Since I had a little time, I stopped there to get a couple of pictures.
 The Fishery was established in 1927 and is used to restock the Lakes with game fish.  This is a group of salmon fry.
 A stuffed falcon.
 A stuffed pike.
 A sturgeon.  This is one of the fish that they spawn from here as well.  For a while, they were getting close to being extinct, I think they are making a comeback.
 This is some sort of trout.
 A wooden sturgeon.
 One of the neat things about this place is that they have a stocking pond where you can feed the fish.  These are rainbow trout, I believe.
 I love the silouette.
 Something lurks beneath the waves.
 A pretty big one.
 A stand of trees just outside the building.
Looking up at the trees.  If you get a chance, you should go here.  It's not too far outside of Kalamazoo.

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