Saturday, May 17, 2014

And Now The Mapleglen

It's not often that I run across ships that I've not seen before. 
 Today was a case of just that.  It seemed like I would never catch the Mapleglen.  It seems like she always passes when I can't get down to see her or she spend alot of time outside of the area.  When I saw that she was heading down to Detroit, I decided to stick around a little longer.
 She was built at the Cokerill Yards in Hoboken, Belgium in 1981.  She originally served as the Federal Maas until 1995 and then the Lake Michigan from 1995 to 2009.
 Here she is about to pass the Kaye E. Barker.
 She can carry a little over 35,000 tons of cargo and is 729 feet long.
 She's not a bad looking ship for being a rear pilothouse ship.
 And she continues on her way to Quebec City.
And one more shot before moving on.

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